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2023 RA Stage

NEA’s Annual Meeting & Representative Assembly

The world's largest democratic, deliberative body, by educators, for educators.

Each summer, approximately 6,000 educators meet to debate the vital issues that impact American public education and set National Education Association policy and activities for the year ahead. These delegates represent the 3 million members of the NEA.

In 2024, delegates to the Representative Assembly will meet in Philadelphia, PA, July 3-7.

Write to Congress at the RA

We need to dismantle unjust systems. We need to fully fund public schools. We need to hold our elected leaders accountable to our communities. And we need your help to make it happen. Take some time now to write to members of Congress about the issues you care about most.

Speak out

RA Updates

Members of the community schools panel sit in chairs on stage as they address the 2023 NEA Representative Assembly

Educators embrace their role as advocates for students, defenders of freedom

Delegates rallied for the Freedom to Learn, applauded a passionate Teacher of the Year, and learned more about community schools on day three of the RA.
Closeup of crowd at the Freedom to Learn Rally in Orlando, Florida

Educators Rally for Freedom to Learn

A growing chorus of diverse voices demand politicians stop banning books and politicizing public education.
President Biden speaks via livestream to NEA RA in Orlando, Florida.

Joe and Jill Biden, Champions of Public Education, Cheer on Educators at NEA RA

Members shared how the Biden administration supported educators and students through three tough years, and received words of support from the President and First Lady.
Disability rights activist Helena Donato-Sapp addresses the 2023 NEA RA

Youth Disability Activist Urges RA Delegates to Stand Up to Discrimination

Helena Donato-Sapp told the 2023 RA that she is a kid who will not be put down or held down.
Delegates to the 2023 NEA RA hold up signs saying Education Votes

Championing Education Justice Requires Love and Activism

A powerful lineup of speakers shared why they work to end disability discrimination, fight for justice for all people, and speak up for students and educators.
NEA Executive Director Kim Anderson addresses delegates at the 2023 NEA RA in Orlando

NEA Executive Director Calls for Love—and Action!

Kim Anderson told NEA Representative Assembly delegates that love fuels her anger at the attacks on LGBTQ+ students, on the freedom to learn, on women's rights, and more. And, through that anger, she and NEA members are taking actions that make a difference.
Secretary of Education Cardona Addresses 2023 NEA RA

Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona: “Time to End Toxic Disrespect”

Cardona tells NEA’s Representative Assembly that he is committed to a national detox of those who seek to destroy public education.
NEA President Becky Pringle delivering her keynote address at the 2023 RA

NEA RA 2023: NEA President Becky Pringle Calls for Action!

Pringle called on NEA RA delegates to organize for the freedom to teach the truth, for the safety and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ students, and more. She also pointed to many successes over the past year, and inspired hope among those who heard her.
NEA President Becky Pringle delivering her keynote address at the 2023 RA
“Unbowed and unbroken, and with a resolve that is unwavering, NEA, you are leading the work to promote, to protect, and to strengthen public education!”
Quote by: Becky Pringle, President, National Education Association
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Donate to the NEA PAC

The NEA PAC is fueled by educators like you and our mission is to ensure we have leaders at the federal and state level who will fight for students and public schools. Donate to the NEA PAC today to help elect pro-education candidates up and down the ballot.
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Lysol is Here for Supporting Healthy Habits

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To help curb the spread of illness-causing germs in school, the Lysol Here for Healthy Schools program provides free lesson plans and resources to help teach students healthy habits.
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We offer many ways for you to get the latest news and connect with the Association and your colleagues through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.